Shocking? Indeed! But unfortunately this is the
truth about what consumers, seeking a perfectly flawless skin, are risking
to endure in order to reach their goal.
In a very prominent medical research, tissues
taken from sufferers of breast cancer were all found to carry traces of parabens,
a preservative widely used in cosmetics products. The tests suggested the
chemicals had seeped into the tissues after being applied to the skin. Parabens
have been shown to mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen, a hormone
that can drive the growth of human breast tumors. Many brands in the skincare
industry use parabens for its cost efficiency and for bringing down the
cost of production; it’s also used as a food preservative, but in this case
it’s easily eliminated from the body leaving no critical side effects.
Meanwhile the use of parabens is still very
debatable by the skincare industry, we say ‘prevention is always better than
cure’. While most skincare manufacturers claim that the chemicals used in
their products are safe, no extensive study has been conducted to reveal the
long term effects of these chemicals on the human species. Following the study, The Health Report
commented: ‘The only safe synthetic chemical is the one that you do not have
contact with'.
Consumers should be very alert when choosing a
skin care product: read the ingredients, be educated on what’s safe and what to
avoid. Just recently, Australia has embarked on a new
scheme to ensure consumers have deeper insights regarding the products they
use. . There will be an online database with a chemical assessment of each
ingredient in cosmetics. This move comes as a response to the general trend
where natural and organic based products are being more appealing to consumers.
All is needed for one to be safe is to educate him/her
self, always read the label, and choose what’s best for his/her wellbeing.
Stay beautiful, but more importantly stay safe!
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